folk black metal
Albums scraped2021-12-07T12:09:36.036Z
Last updated2021-12-20T22:13:50.152Z
Released at
73Isengard - Høstmørke1995-07-03
91Agalloch - From Which of This Oak1997-03
99Nokturnal Mortum - Goat Horns1997-07-06
98Siebenbürgen - Loreia1997-07-18
9Bak De Syv Fjell - Bak De Syv Fjell1997
29Nokturnal Mortum - Eastern Hammer1998-03-00
80Primordial - A Journey's End1998-06-15
68La Caruta Di Li Dei - Mediterraneo Atto I1998
94Waylander - Reawakening Pride Once Lost1998
92Nargathrond - Carnal Lust And Wolfen Hunger2000
76Moonsorrow - Suden Uni2001-02
83Aes Dana - La Chasse Sauvage2001-11-24
87Vintersorg - Visions from the Spiral Generator2002-06-24
20Berserk - Rites of Supremacy2003
34Apraxia - Коловрат2003
71Nargathrond - ...For We Blessed this World with Plagues2003
48Windir - Valfar, Ein Windir2004-09-03
33Nokturnal Mortum - Мировоззрение2004
72Kroda - Поплач мені, Річко...2004
86Nargathrond - Неизбежность2004
95Inchiuvatu - Piccatu2004
46In Tormentata Quiete - In Tormentata Quiete2005-05-20
3Aes Dana - Formors2005-09-28
4Dornenreich - Hexenwind2005-11-18
50Drudkh - Кров у наших криницях2006-03-23
77Drudkh - Blood in Our Wells2006-03-23
84Falls of Rauros - Into the Archaic2006-06-10
55Adorned Brood - Heldentat2006-09-01
15Dornenreich - Durch den Traum2006-12-01
51Kroda - До Небокраю Життя...2006
79Aquilus - Cloak of Autumn Shroud2006
42Falls of Rauros - Of Stone And The Stars In The Sky2007-04-06
32Odious - Mirror of Vibrations2007-04-23
81Raate - Sielu, linna2007-06-26
16Drautran - Throne Of The Depths2007-10-26
69Primordial - To the Nameless Dead2007-11-16
27Numen - Numen2007-12-03
35Yggdrasil - Kvällningsvindar över Nordrönt Land2007
82Moonspell - Anno Satanae2007
12October Falls - The Womb of Primordial Nature2008-06-21
44Valuatir - I2008-09-18
13Kroda - Live in Lemberg2008
22крада - Ступени2008
8Marțolea - Gâlmele Întunericului2009-01-06
47Drudkh - Вiдчуженiсть2009-06-22
6Nokturnal Mortum - Голос Сталі2009-12-26
24WelicoRuss - WinterMoon Symphony2009
63Old Corpse Road - The Echoes of Tales Once Told2009
11Aktarum - Gang Of Trolls2010-01-08
23Rotting Christ - Aealo2010-02-15
2October Falls - A Collapse of Faith2010-05-21
52Drudkh - Пригорща Зірок2010-09-20
67Agalloch - Marrow of the Spirit2010-11-23
5Сатанакозёл - Солнце Мёртвых2010-11-30
70Árstíðir Lífsins - Jitunheima Dolgfera2010
88Árstíðir Lífsins - Jоtunheima Dolgferр'2010
40Falkenbach - Tiurida2011-01-28
41Ulver - Bergtatt - Et eeventyr i 5 capitler2011
58Ulver - Bergtatt - Et eventyr i 5 kapitler2011
59Ulver - Bergtatt - Et Eeventyr i 5 Cap2011
85Drudkh - Вічний Оберт Колеса2012-02-24
36Árstíðir Lífsins - Vapna laekjar eldr2012-05-18
60Panopticon - Kentucky2012-06-04
45Dordeduh - Dar de duh2012-09-28
93Old Corpse Road - 'Tis Witching Hour... As Spectres we Haunt this Kingdom2012-11-11
37Небокрай - На Рубеже2012
78Невидь - Невидь2012
97Myrkgrav - Sjuguttmyra - EP2013-02-21
64Zgard - Spirit of Carpathian Sunset2013-02-25
10Rotting Christ - Κατα Τον Δαιμονα Εαυτου (Do What Thou Wilt)2013-03-01
14Wędrujący Wiatr - Tam, gdzie Miesiąc opłakuje Świt2013-06
54Aherusia - As I Cross The Seas Of My Soul2013
61Thrawsunblat - Thrawsunblat II: Wanderer on the Continent of Saplings2013
17Absurd - Größer als der Tod2014-06-08
56Winterfylleth - The Divination Of Antiquity2014-10-01
57Drudkh - Кілька рядків архаїчною українською2014
25Selvans - Clangores Plenilunio2015-02-16
43Bloody Tyrant - The Legacy of Sun-Moon Lake2015-04-20
49Myrkur - M2015-08-21
90Moonsorrow - Jumalten Aika2016-04-01
53Afar - Selfless2016-10-19
1Saor - Guardians2016-11-11
31Isengard - Traditional Doom Cult2016-12-09
74Beorn's Hall - Mountain Hymns2017-02-08
89Fable - The Red Road West2017-03-02
39Nokturnal Mortum - Істина2017-05-08
7Myrkur - M (Deluxe Version)2017-09-15
62Witches Moon - The Grim Botanical2017
65Nokturnal Mortum - Verity2017
30Beorn's Hall - Estuary2018-02-24
26Drudkh - Їм часто сниться капіж2018-03-09
38Dwarrowdelf - The Sons of Fëanor2018-04-30
75Witches Moon - Ouroboros Will Stray by the Light of the Milky Way2018-05-16
66Fable - Wisdom2018-08-00
96Witches Moon - The Silent Dream of Munich2018-10-30
19Selvans - Faunalia2018-11-02
21Kroda - By a Hammer of Spirit and Identity of Blood2019-09-02
28Sur Austru - Meteahna Timpurilor2019-10-20
18Peste Noire - Le retour des pastoureaux2021-09-01
100BLODTÅR - Blodtår2021-11-26